Our seasonal baked goods are always made from scratch. We offer vegan, gluten-free and non-dairy options. Whether you’re here in the winter and need a bit of chocolate to get you through the day, or you’re here in the summer season and need a fresh fruit tart, we can’t wait to see you.
** We will do special order for any of these items please call us ahead!

Cafe T-shirts-- Yeah

Pasties- Meat, Veggie Curry and Pizza

Nanaimo Cheesecake with chocolate Genache
Fruit Tarts- Strawberry Mousse Cake
Cheesecake with Fruit

Mini Cakes Raspberry/Vanilla


Fruit Tacos with pastry cream

Oreo cheesecake with Chocolate Ganache

EClairs- oh Chocolate

Smore bars.. Yum

Custom cake

Custom Chocolate cake with chocolate ganache filling
Carrot cake

Oh our lovely Hot cross buns made during Easter

Strawberry/Matcha, Blueberry/Matcha
Beet Root Latte

Mince meat tarts- Christmas favourtie
Sugar cookies- Christmas trees
Sugar cookies- Angels

Gingerbread Reindeer
Ginger bread
Valentine's Day - Red Velvet cupcakes and Star sugar cookies

Sugar cookies

Ganache Cookies

Pecan shortbread cookies- Christmas yum..

Shortbread cookies

Combo Cookies for Christmas

Strawberry/Ganache cookies- Christmas

Combo pack- Christmas cookies
Ginger Spiced Cake

Stollen- Before baking occurs

Stollen ready to package


Stollen Bites
Pecan Pie

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries made any time of the year!

Easter cookies
Valentine chocolate cookies
1st Anniversary carrot cake for the cafe
Chocolate Short Bread cookies
Lavender cookies